Data warehousing
Thareja, Reema
Data warehousing Reema Thareja - New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2009 - 474P:
1. The Compelling Need for Data Warehousing --
2. Data Warehouse: Defining Features --
3. Physical Architecture of a Data Warehouse and Data Mart Issues --
4. Gathering the Business Requirements --
5. Planning and Project Management in a Data Warehouse --
6. Data Warehouse Schema --
7. Fact Tables and Dimension Tables: Miscellaneous Issues --
8. The ETL Process --
9. Testing, Growth and Maintenance of Data Warehouse --
10. OLAP in the Data Warehouse --
11. Overview of Building and Maintaining a Data Warehouse --
12. Date Mining Basics --
13. Moving into Data Mining --
14. Trends in Data Warehousing.
004 / THA
Data warehousing Reema Thareja - New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2009 - 474P:
1. The Compelling Need for Data Warehousing --
2. Data Warehouse: Defining Features --
3. Physical Architecture of a Data Warehouse and Data Mart Issues --
4. Gathering the Business Requirements --
5. Planning and Project Management in a Data Warehouse --
6. Data Warehouse Schema --
7. Fact Tables and Dimension Tables: Miscellaneous Issues --
8. The ETL Process --
9. Testing, Growth and Maintenance of Data Warehouse --
10. OLAP in the Data Warehouse --
11. Overview of Building and Maintaining a Data Warehouse --
12. Date Mining Basics --
13. Moving into Data Mining --
14. Trends in Data Warehousing.
004 / THA