Human values : new essays on ethics and natural law

David S Oderberg;

Human values : new essays on ethics and natural law David S Oderberg; T D J Chappell - Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. - 272 pages

'Our natural guide ... ': conscience, 'nature', and moral experience / John Cottingham --
Basic goods, practical insight, and external reasons / Christopher Tollefsen --
The fact/value distinction / Christopher Martin --
Incommensurability and basic goods: a tension in the new natural law theory / Henry S. Richardson --
The polymorphy of practical reason / Timothy Chappell --
The structure and content of the good / David S. Oderberg --
Harming and wronging: the importance of normative context / Suzanne Uniacke --
Law, liberalism, and the common good / Jacqueline A. Laing --
'Double effect' or practical wisdom? / Gerald J. Hughes --
Beyond double effect: side-effects and bodily harm / Helen Watt --
Intention, foresight, and success / Mark C. Murphy.

Natural law theory states that humans can only live well if they recognise the goods that are natural for them and understand how those goods generate the system of practical guidance that we call morality. Natural law is a long-established and flourishing ethical tradition, with roots in Aristotle and Aquinas, that is increasingly recognised as a worthy competitor to Kantianism, utilitarianism and virtue ethics. The new essays in this collection represent the latest thinking - both constructive and critical - of some of the most important thinkers in the field. They also reflect the growing influence, sophistication and importance of natural law theory within contemporary ethical debate


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