Evolution of Microprocessors Fundamentals of a Computer Number Presentation Fundamentals of Microprocessor First Assembly Language Program Data Transfer Group of Instructions Arithmetic Group of Instructions Logical Group of Instructions NOP and Stack Group of Instructions Branch Group of Instructions Chip Select Logic Addressing of I/O Ports Architecture of 8085 Simple Assembly Language Programs Use of PC in Writing and Executing 8085 Programs Additional Assembly Language Programs More Complex Assembly Language Programs Interrupts in 8085 8212 Non Programmable 8-bit I/O Port 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface Chip Programs Using Interface Modules Interfacing I/O Devices Intel 8259A- Programmable Interrupt Controller Intel 8257- Programmable DMA Controller Intel 8253- Programmable Interval Timer Intel 8251A-Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Zilog Z80 Microprocessor Motorola M6800 Microprocessor 8051 Microcontroller Advanced Topics in 8051