Rana,Narayan Chandra

CLASSICAL MECHANICS Narayan Chandra Rana - New Delhi, India : Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., 1991. - xx, 607 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Chapter 1 Constrained Motions in Cartesian Coordinates
Chapter 2 Lagrangian Formulation in Generalised Coordinates
Chapter 3 Rotating Frames of Reference
Chapter 4 Central Force
Chapter 5 Hamilton's Equations of Motion
Chapter 6 Principles of Least Action and Hamilton's Principle
Chapter 7 Brachistochrones, Tautochrones and the Cycloid Family
Chapter 8 Canonical Transformations
Chapter 9 The Poisson Bracket
Chapter 10 Hamilton-Jacobi Theory
Chapter 11 Small Oscillations
Chapter 12 Rigid Body Dynamics
Chapter 13 Elasticity
Chapter 14 Fluid Dynamics

The book presents a lucid treatment of classical mechanics with an emphasis on the understanding of the fundamentals. It develops an appreciation of the versatility of practically all the fundamental principles of Physics. The book incorporates the recent developments in classical mechanics over the past four decades, and discusses in detail such topics as constrained systems, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems, canonical transformations, Hamilton jacobi theory, small oscillations, rigid body dynamics, central force problems, elasticity and fluid mechanics.


Mechanics, Analytic.

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