Wriggers, P.

Nonlinear finite element methods Peter Wriggers. - Berlin : Springer, ©2008. - 559P:

Nonlinear Phenomena --
Basic Equations of Continuum Mechanics --
Spatial Discretization Techniques --
Solution Methods for Time Independent Problems --
Solution Methods for Time Dependent Problems --
Stability Problems --
Adaptive Methods --
Special Structural Elements --
Special Finite Elements for Continua --
Contact Problems --
Automation of the Finite Element Method

Finite element methods have become ever more important to engineers as tools for design and optimization, now even for solving non-linear technological problems. However, several aspects must be considered for finite-element simulations which are specific for non-linear problems: These problems require the knowledge and the understanding of theoretical foundations and their finite-element discretization as well as algorithms for solving the non-linear equations. This book provides the reader with the required knowledge covering the complete field of finite element analyses in solid mechanics. It is written for advanced students in engineering fields but serves also as an introduction into non-linear simulation for the practising engineer


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