Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia
- NewDelhi Wiley 2021
- 602p;
Algorithm Analysis Basic Data Structures Binary Search Trees Balanced Binary Search Trees Priority Queues and Heaps Hash Tables Union Find Sructures Graphs and Traversals Sorting Algorithm Fast Sorting and Selection Divide and Conquer The Greedy Method Dynamic Programming Minimum Spanning Trees NP-Completeness Appropximation Algorithms Text Processing Number Theory Cryptography and Fast Fourier Transform
Design and Analysis of Algorithms offers an exhaustive coverage of the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. Integrating application with theory, the book presents algorithmic topics in a context that is motivated from applications to uses in society, computer games, computing industry, science, engineering, and the Internet. Beginning with the basic framework and tools needed to analyze algorithms, the book then presents fundamental data structures, such as stacks, queues, lists, and advanced data structures such as trees, search trees, priority queues, heaps, hash tables, union-find structures, and graphs