Kleppner, Daniel

An Introduction to Mechanics Kleppner, Daniel - 2 - New Delhi Cambridge University Press 2014 - 542

Chapter 1 Vectors And Kinematics A Few Mathematical Preliminaries
Chapter 2 Newton?s Laws The Foundations of Newtonian Mechanics
Chapter 3 Momentum
Chapter 4 Work and Energy
Chapter 5 Some Mathematical Aspects of Force And Energy
Chapter 6 Angular Momentum And Fixed Axis Rotation
Chapter 7 Rigid Body Motion And The Conservation Of Angular Momentum
Chapter 8 Noninertial Systems And Fictitious Forces
Chapter 9 Central Force Motion
Chapter10 The Harmonic Oscillator
Chapter11 The Special Theory Of Relativity
Chapter12 Relativistic Kinematics
Chapter 13 Relativistic Momentum And Energy
Chapter 14 four Vectors And Relativistic Invariance

In this book, the basic concepts related to the mechanics of Physics are elaborated. The presentation makes it easy to understand from the standpoint of the student who has a general knowledge about calculus and fundamental mathematics.

There are chapters based on important topics like kinetics, vectors, work and energy, central force motion, relativistic kinematics, angular momentum, fixed axis rotation, harmonic oscillator, the basics of newtonian mechanism, non-inertial systems, fictitious forces, rigid body motion, conservation of angular momentum, and many more to list down. There are over 700 illustrations to help the students understand better. Also, there are exercises segregated question-wise at the end of each chapter for the students to practice on the basis of their study.


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