John P. Dakin

Optical Fiber Sensors, Principles and Components Brian Culshaw, John P. Dakin - Volume 1: - London Artech House 1988 - 344

Introduction. Basic Fiber Optic Sensor Concepts. Essential Optics. Detectors and Detection. Optical Sources. Materials for Fiber Optic Sensors. Fiber Optic Components. Fibers for Optical Fiber Sensors. Integrated Optics in Sensors. Index. Glossary of Symbols.

The first of a two-volume set on optical fiber sensors prepared by leading international experts in the field, this book reviews the basic principles of optical fiber sensors and covers the major component technologies. In addition to providing a firm practical base on the theory and current technologies, this volume also examines the direction of future component development. Each chapters gives a thorough tutorial in the technology it covers from a recognized expert in the area.


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