An introduction to mechanics

Kleppner Daniel

An introduction to mechanics Daniel Kleppner ,Robert J. Kolenkow. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. - xxii, 546 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Vectors and kinematics: a few mathematical preliminaries --
Newton's laws: the foundations of Newtonian mechanics --
Momentum --
Work and energy --
Some mathematical aspects of force and energy --
Angular momentum and fixed axis rotation --
Rigid body motion and the conservation of angular momentum --
Noninertial systems and fictitious forces --
Central force motion --
The harmonic oscillator --
The special theory of relativity --
Relativistic kinematics --
Relativistic momentum and energy --
Four-vectors and relativistic invariance.

Intended for undergraduate students with foundation skills in mathematics and a deep interest in physics, it systematically lays out the principles of mechanics: vectors, Newton's laws, momentum, energy, rotational motion, angular momentum and noninertial systems, and includes chapters on central force motion, the harmonic oscillator, and relativity. Numerous worked examples demonstrate how the principles can be applied to a wide range of physical situations, and more than 600 figures illustrate methods for approaching physical problems. The book also contains over 200 challenging problems to help the student develop a strong understanding of the subjec


Nonlinear mechanics.

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